We live in a society in which toxic masculinity and arrogance are symbols of strength. Men who are confident and even a little cocky are seen as more attractive and worthy of respect.

I think that real strength is shown by kindness, compassion and acts that make life better for others even if it costs us comfort or pain.

This is Raul. He barely makes enough to feed himself but has been feeding and caring for a group of community cats. A few days ago I was invited by the Stardust Kitten Club to trap a few of the cats because the owner of the property where they live wants to exterminate them.

Raul helped bring the cats that trust him enough for him to carry and a trap was used for the rest.

As he was handing in the carriers to put in the car he was smiling as tears rolled down his cheeks.

He knows the cats will have a better life… but they are his family and very likely the only beings that think he is important enough and worth their time and love.

After taking the picture I gave him a hug and now I am sharing the moment with you with tears rolling down my cheeks and knowing full well that Raul has no idea how much he touched my heart.

I am not impressed by men who puff out their chests and push others out of the way to be at the front of a group. I see those men for the weak and insecure brats that they are.

I reserve my respect and admiration for people like Raul, who give until it hurts.